Who Is Dana Morningstar?

My Path of Self Discovery!

First of all, I have my blogger name as Dana Morningstar. ""Morning Star" is actually the meaning of my first name "Dana."  A morning star is strong and bright! I think the name is very appropriate for my struggles with pain, disability and fatigue.  I have my Bachelor's degree in Nursing, and worked as a Diabetes Educator until my hip replacement in 2003.  I now dedicate my life to helping others with chronic pain and disability. I am the co-chair for the Young Professionals Group with the Georgia Chapter Arthritis Foundation. I blog about my journey with pain and getting a shoulder replacement. I am part of several social networks where most of my friends have chronic pain, disability and fatigue like I do.

In this blog I write about my personal, spiritual journey. I have so much to talk about! I am a clairsentient, energy healer, medical intuitive, psychic dreamer, help those who have tragically died to pass over, and also literally "feel" what other peoples' ailments are. This journey has helped me to become closer to others, closer to God, more understanding and accepting of the many religions and belief systems, and most of all to find myself. I have learned through writing about my many experiences of spirituality, I have grown closer to finding out who I really am. I have learned to accept my many illnesses, to be more patient waiting for our baby boy, and to be accepting of all of God's people. I also have become even closer to all of God's creation~the animals, the plants, and all the creepy crawly things! Come learn more about me!!!

I have been asked to write my personal story for a pain website for patients-- www.painaction.comI will be writing a Personal Story that will be in the back pain and neuropathic pain areas.  The goal of the site is to encourage users to become better self-managers of their pain conditions.  The site was developed with funding from 4 grants from the National Institutes of Health.  Right now it focuses on back pain, migraine, neuropathic pain, and migraine pain. Within the next few months the site will receive funding so it can add content on Arthritic pain. The website receives unrestricted educational grants from pharmaceutical companies to keep the site going.  They have no influence over the content, and it is totally non-branded and non-commercial.  

The Arthritis Foundation Georgia Chapter suggested that I should be contacted  for a story about men and women with various arthritis ailments and how they function day-to-day with their conditions. This is for Arthritis Health Monitor, a patient education publication that is distributed in doctor's offices.

You can read the article online: Health Monitor

Please listen to my Blog Talk Radio Show with the same title: I Already Gave My Right Arm To Be Ambidextrous! http://www.blogtalkradio.com/danamorningstar

Listen to internet radio with Dana Morningstar on Blog Talk Radio

All of this from my itty bitty little blog!

Listen to internet radio with Oro Shango on Blog Talk Radio
Listen to internet radio with Marc Barone on Blog Talk Radio
Listen to internet radio with thematrix777 on Blog Talk Radio